Friday, 20 July 2012


DTMF stands for Dual Tone - Multi Frequency and it is the basis for your telephone system. DTMF is actually the generic term for Touch-Tone (touch-tone is a registered trademark of ATT). Your touch-tone® phone is technically a DTMF generator that produces DTMF tones as you press the buttons.

How does it work?

When you press the buttons on the keypad, a connection is made that generates two tones at the same time. A "Row" tone and a "Column" tone. These two tones identify the key you pressed to any equipment you are controlling. If the keypad is on your phone, the telephone company's "Central Office" equipment knows what numbers you are dialing by these tones, and will switch your call accordingly. If you are using a DTMF keypad to remotely control equipment, the tones can identify what unit you want to control, as well as which unique function you want it to perform.
Palm Microphone with DTMF Keypad
697 Hz
770 Hz
852 Hz
941 Hz
1209 Hz
1336 Hz
1477 Hz

When you press the digit 1 on the keypad, you generate the tones 1209 Hz and 697 Hz.
Pressing the digit 2 will generate the tones 1336 Hz and 697 Hz.
Sure, the tone 697 is the same for both digits, but it take two tones to make a digit and the decoding equipment knows the difference between the 1209 Hz that would complete the digit 1, and a 1336 Hz that completes a digit 2.

Circuit Diagram

This is circuit diagram for DTMF decoder. 

Monday, 2 July 2012

8051 Microcontroller

The 8051 is a Harvard architecture, single chip microcontroller (µC) series which was developed by Intel in 1980 for use in embedded systems.Intel's original versions were popular in the 1980s and early 1990s. While Intel no longer manufactures the MCS-51, binary compatible derivatives remain popular today. In addition to these physical devices, several companies also offer MCS-51 derivatives as IP cores for use in FPGAs or ASICs designs.
Intel's original MCS-51 family was developed using NMOS technology, but later versions, identified by a letter C in their name (e.g., 80C51) used CMOStechnology and were less power-hungry than their NMOS predecessors. This made them more suitable for battery-powered 

Important features and applications

i8051 microarchitecture.
The 8051 architecture provides many functions (CPURAMROMI/Ointerrupt logic, timer, etc.) in a single package
One particularly useful feature of the 8051 core was the inclusion of a boolean processing engine which allows bit-level boolean logic operations to be carried out directly and efficiently on select internal registers and select RAM locations. This advantageous feature helped cement the 8051's popularity in industrial control applications because it reduced code size by as much as 30%. Another valued feature is the including of four bank selectable working register sets which greatly reduce the amount of time required to complete an interrupt service routine. With a single instruction the 8051 can switch register banks as opposed to the time consuming task of transferring the critical registers to the stack or designated RAM locations. These registers also allowed the 8051 to quickly perform a context switch which is essential for time sensitive real-time applications.

Basic Working Circuit For 8051

click here to see 8051 datasheet

Friday, 5 August 2011


This circuit is very usefull for those electronics students who have interest in Guitar.

In this circuit, An Op-Amp ( IC 741) is used. This circuit works as guitar processor. You can play your guitar in distortion mode with this circuit. An op amp is an amplifier which amplfies the difference between two input siganls. Here we apply input from our guitar. 
You can use DPDT switch to make it work on two patch. one is clean patch and otherone is distortion patch.

Component Used.

IC 741
3 capacitors -100uF
R1 =R2= 100K
R3= 1K
R4= 1M
2 zener diodes
 9V battery

Friday, 22 July 2011

About Electronics

Electronics is the branch of science and technology that deals with electrical circuits involving active electrical components such asvacuum tubestransistorsdiodes and integrated circuits. The nonlinear behaviour of these components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification of weak signals possible, and is usually applied to information and signal processing. Electronics is distinct from electrical and electro-mechanical science and technology, which deals with the generation, distribution, switching, storage and conversion of electrical energy to and from other energy forms using wiresmotorsgeneratorsbatteriesswitchesrelays,transformersresistors and other passive components. This distinction started around 1906 with the invention by Lee De Forest of thetriode, which made electrical amplification of weak radio signals and audio signals possible with a non-mechanical device. Until 1950 this field was called "radio technology" because its principal application was the design and theory of radio transmittersreceivers and vacuum tubes.